Package 'wrswoR'

Title: Weighted Random Sampling without Replacement
Description: A collection of implementations of classical and novel algorithms for weighted sampling without replacement.
Authors: Kirill Müller [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Kirill Müller <>
License: GPL-3
Built: 2025-02-07 02:56:51 UTC

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Faster weighted sampling without replacement


R's default sampling without replacement using seems to require quadratic run time, e.g., when using weights drawn from a uniform distribution. For large sample sizes, this is too slow. This package contains several alternative implementations.


Implementations are adapted from


Kirill Müller


Efraimidis, Pavlos S., and Paul G. Spirakis. "Weighted random sampling with a reservoir." Information Processing Letters 97, no. 5 (2006): 181-185.

Wong, Chak-Kuen, and Malcolm C. Easton. "An efficient method for weighted sampling without replacement." SIAM Journal on Computing 9, no. 1 (1980): 111-113.

See Also

Useful links:


sample_int_rej(100, 50, 1:100)

Weighted sampling without replacement


These functions implement weighted sampling without replacement using various algorithms, i.e., they take a sample of the specified size from the elements of 1:n without replacement, using the weights defined by prob. The call ⁠sample_int_*(n, size, prob)⁠ is equivalent to, size, replace = F, prob). (The results will most probably be different for the same random seed, but the returned samples are distributed identically for both calls.) Except for sample_int_R() (which has quadratic complexity as of this writing), all functions have complexity O(nlogn)O(n \log n) or better and often run faster than R's implementation, especially when n and size are large.


sample_int_crank(n, size, prob)

sample_int_ccrank(n, size, prob)

sample_int_expj(n, size, prob)

sample_int_expjs(n, size, prob)

sample_int_R(n, size, prob)

sample_int_rank(n, size, prob)

sample_int_rej(n, size, prob)



a positive number, the number of items to choose from. See ‘Details.’


a non-negative integer giving the number of items to choose.


a vector of probability weights for obtaining the elements of the vector being sampled.


sample_int_R() is a simple wrapper for

sample_int_expj() and sample_int_expjs() implement one-pass random sampling with a reservoir with exponential jumps (Efraimidis and Spirakis, 2006, Algorithm A-ExpJ). Both functions are implemented in Rcpp; ⁠*_expj()⁠ uses log-transformed keys, ⁠*_expjs()⁠ implements the algorithm in the paper verbatim (at the cost of numerical stability).

sample_int_rank(), sample_int_crank() and sample_int_ccrank() implement one-pass random sampling (Efraimidis and Spirakis, 2006, Algorithm A). The first function is implemented purely in R, the other two are optimized Rcpp implementations (⁠*_crank()⁠ uses R vectors internally, while ⁠*_ccrank()⁠ uses std::vector; surprisingly, ⁠*_crank()⁠ seems to be faster on most inputs). It can be shown that the order statistic of U(1/wi)U^{(1/w_i)} has the same distribution as random sampling without replacement (U=uniform(0,1)U=\mbox{uniform}(0,1) distribution). To increase numerical stability, log(U)/wi\log(U) / w_i is computed instead; the log transform does not change the order statistic.

sample_int_rej() uses repeated weighted sampling with replacement and a variant of rejection sampling. It is implemented purely in R. This function simulates weighted sampling without replacement using somewhat more draws with replacement, and then discarding duplicate values (rejection sampling). If too few items are sampled, the routine calls itself recursively on a (hopefully) much smaller problem. See also


An integer vector of length size with elements from 1:n.


Dinre (for ⁠*_rank()⁠), Kirill Müller (for all other functions)


Efraimidis, Pavlos S., and Paul G. Spirakis. "Weighted random sampling with a reservoir." Information Processing Letters 97, no. 5 (2006): 181-185.

See Also


# Base R implementation
s <- sample_int_R(2000, 1000, runif(2000))
stopifnot(unique(s) == s)
p <- c(995, rep(1, 5))
n <- 1000
tbl <- table(replicate(sample_int_R(6, 3, p),
                       n = n)) / n
stopifnot(abs(tbl - c(1, rep(0.4, 5))) < 0.04)

## Algorithm A, Rcpp version using std::vector
s <- sample_int_ccrank(20000, 10000, runif(20000))
stopifnot(unique(s) == s)
p <- c(995, rep(1, 5))
n <- 1000
tbl <- table(replicate(sample_int_ccrank(6, 3, p),
                       n = n)) / n
stopifnot(abs(tbl - c(1, rep(0.4, 5))) < 0.04)

## Algorithm A, Rcpp version using R vectors
s <- sample_int_crank(20000, 10000, runif(20000))
stopifnot(unique(s) == s)
p <- c(995, rep(1, 5))
n <- 1000
tbl <- table(replicate(sample_int_crank(6, 3, p),
                       n = n)) / n
stopifnot(abs(tbl - c(1, rep(0.4, 5))) < 0.04)

## Algorithm A-ExpJ (with log-transformed keys)
s <- sample_int_expj(20000, 10000, runif(20000))
stopifnot(unique(s) == s)
p <- c(995, rep(1, 5))
n <- 1000
tbl <- table(replicate(sample_int_expj(6, 3, p),
                       n = n)) / n
stopifnot(abs(tbl - c(1, rep(0.4, 5))) < 0.04)

## Algorithm A-ExpJ (paper version)
s <- sample_int_expjs(20000, 10000, runif(20000))
stopifnot(unique(s) == s)
p <- c(995, rep(1, 5))
n <- 1000
tbl <- table(replicate(sample_int_expjs(6, 3, p),
                       n = n)) / n
stopifnot(abs(tbl - c(1, rep(0.4, 5))) < 0.04)

## Algorithm A
s <- sample_int_rank(20000, 10000, runif(20000))
stopifnot(unique(s) == s)
p <- c(995, rep(1, 5))
n <- 1000
tbl <- table(replicate(sample_int_rank(6, 3, p),
                       n = n)) / n
stopifnot(abs(tbl - c(1, rep(0.4, 5))) < 0.04)

## Rejection sampling
s <- sample_int_rej(20000, 10000, runif(20000))
stopifnot(unique(s) == s)
p <- c(995, rep(1, 5))
n <- 1000
tbl <- table(replicate(sample_int_rej(6, 3, p),
                       n = n)) / n
stopifnot(abs(tbl - c(1, rep(0.4, 5))) < 0.04)