Bridges of Koenigsberg from Euler's timesigraphdata::UKfaculty
Friendship network of a UK university facultyigraphdata::USairports
US airport network, 2010 Decemberigraphdata::enron
Enron Email Networkigraphdata::foodwebs
A collection of food websigraphdata::immuno
Immunoglobulin interaction networkigraphdata::karate
Zachary's karate club networkigraphdata::kite
Krackhardt's kiteigraphdata::macaque
Visuotactile brain areas and connectionsigraphdata::rfid
Hospital encounter network dataigraphdata::yeast
Yeast protein interaction networkmunch::SwissBirths
Total births per municipality in Switzerland between 1969 and 2012munch::SwissPop
Census population by household size per commune in Switzerland between 1970 and 2000