igraph - Network Analysis and Visualization

Routines for simple graphs and network analysis. It can handle large graphs very well and provides functions for generating random and regular graphs, graph visualization, centrality methods and much more.

Last updated 5 hours ago


20.96 score 548 stars 1.8k packages 29k scripts 421k downloads

hms - Pretty Time of Day

Implements an S3 class for storing and formatting time-of-day values, based on the 'difftime' class.

Last updated 1 months ago


16.21 score 138 stars 3.0k packages 1.3k scripts 853k downloads

RPostgres - C++ Interface to PostgreSQL

Fully DBI-compliant C++-backed interface to PostgreSQL <https://www.postgresql.org/>, an open-source relational database.

Last updated 1 months ago


14.52 score 334 stars 27 packages 1.3k scripts 31k downloads

DBItest - Testing DBI Backends

A helper that tests DBI back ends for conformity to the interface.

Last updated 16 days ago


8.31 score 24 stars 11 scripts 6.8k downloads

roxygen2md - 'Roxygen' to 'Markdown'

Converts elements of 'roxygen' documentation to 'markdown'.

Last updated 1 months ago


6.82 score 67 stars 2 packages 11 scripts 226 downloads

MakefileR - Create 'Makefiles' Using R

A user-friendly interface for the construction of 'Makefiles'.

Last updated 8 years ago

6.11 score 31 stars 2 packages 14 scripts 231 downloads

dblog - Logging for DBI

Provides logging of DBI methods for arbitrary backends.

Last updated 1 months ago


3.61 score 9 stars 7 scripts